ENS Everywhere

September 2022Side ProjectLisbon, Portugal

FrontendUI DesignDevOps
ENS Everywhere Image


We built ENS Everywhere for the ETHGlobal’s ETHOnline hackathon, which took place in September 2022. It allows users on any major L2 to purchase a top-level ENS domain name for up to 30% cheaper than on L1. It does so by bundling multiple domain names into a single operation.


We hacked the whole project in about a week, from ideation to development to pitching it to the judges. I built the frontend of the project in about 1.5 days, thanks to the power of Next.js and Chakra UI. Next.js allowed me to quickly scaffold the project, while Chakra UI gave me all the necessary UI components to put the UI together rapidly. A big plus, Chakra's great default theme makes building a beautiful and consistent UI easy.

The website is not responsive, as we only demoed it on desktop. It's also not fully functional, it's a proof of concept.


We were picked as one of the finalists and pitched the project to jury members, some of whom were part of the ENS governance. We ended up winning multiple prizes, including "Best NFT infrastructure" from Optimism. Great collaboration with the team and a fun project to work on!

Let's team up and build something meaningful together!

available for new remote opportunities